A lo largo de la mañana del  jueves 28 de septiembre, alumnado de la Professional School of Education de la Ruhr-University Bochum (Alemania) realizó una estancia formativa virtual en nuestro IES en la que  les explicamos las distintas iniciativas que llevamos a cabo relativas a sostenibilidad. Fue una experiencia muy enriquecedora para ambos centros y esperamos seguir colaborando en el futuro.

El alumno coordinador de la actividad, Yilmaz Cihangir, nos ha hecho llegar el siguiente escrito:


We from the Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany went on a two-week journey to visit different schools throughout the country and learn about their different teaching methods. Our final school to visit was in another country with the Clara Campoamor high school in Zaragoza through an Online Zoom-Call. With the opportunity to visit a school from another country, even if it was not on site, we were given the chance to expand our horizon even further. Despite the more challenging nature of an online visit, we felt very welcome and could tell that the staff who guided us did their best to grant us the best visit possible. The visit started with a nice tour through the school, we got presented different class- and project rooms and even the school campus. Students from the school were asked to show us books related to many different aspects of sustainability. Just like the school staff, the students seemed like they really cared about the visit and it was nice to talk to them. Following that, we were shown two presentations surrounding the different methods and activities the school uses to support a more sustainable environment in their community. They were all very interesting and seemingly helpful approaches that we can surely learn from here in Germany. All in all, it was a very nice visit. We felt welcome and have the impression that we learned a lot from the school, which is exactly what we hoped for. Our utmost thanks to the school for the opportunity and wish it the very best for the future.

Yilmaz Cihangir from the Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany